Meet the minds
behind Stockhut

Learn what defines us as a team, as a company, and
check open positions if you want to be one of us!

About us

Welcome to Stockhut, your number one retail solution. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best, with a focus on satisfaction, speed and effortless management.

Founded in 2020 by Devife, Stockhut has come a long way . When we first started out, we passion for for the retail branch, but we could not find any solutions for stock sync and signed product storage. This drove us to create Stockhut, so that we can offer you the retail solution. We now serve customers all over The Netherlands, and are thrilled to expand our product to the rest of the world.

We hope you enjoy our product as much as we enjoy offering it to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our mission is

To connect retail businesses with great talent to grow their business.


First Stockhut revision

In December 2020 was the first version of Stockhut released.




In 2020 Stockhut saw a huge growth in interest and users, the first Stockhut site was released, and huge improvements.



Great things ahead

Stockhut is continuously innovating and updating, expect more partners more great features and much more!


Our Partners